
JP Consult - Industrial Dairy Consultancy

Danish Dairy technology and know-how- when it's best

JP Consult's assignments are always done in close and confidential co-operation with the customer.

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All assignments are based on down to earth solutions, with a high priority of achieving the wanted results, and always bring into focus the cost in money compared with quality and profitability.


Skanedairies: 1997 - 2001

■ Cheese production: Quality - Production Standard - Milk Balance project:

Preparation and introduction of individual milk balance in five milk plants

combined into a total company milk balance.

Manor dairies A/S: 1998

■ Project management: Production & quality control in an Egyptian dairy.

Golden Dane Limited: 1998 - 2004

■ Board member and ad hoc assistance.

Danish Dairy Industry: 1999 -

■ Development and implementation of X-Town Management tool in Danish

Dairy Industry.

■ Assistance to individual Dairy customer within area as Business analysis -

Business plan development -Product development etc.

Kenya Co-operative Creamery: 2001

■ KCC 2000: Analysis and preparation of purchase and take over of Kenya

Co-operative Creameries in Receivership.

Beyti Dairy Egypt: 2002-2003

■ Project: Q&W Manual and Milk Balance Control (In cooperation with Mogren

Packaging and Engineering)

Spin Knit Dairy Kenya: 2005-2007

■ Project: Q&W Manual and Milk Balance Control (In cooperation with Mogren

Packaging and Engineering)

■ International Finance Cooperation 2006

■ Kenya Dairy Value Chain Study -Special advisory expert (Dairy Technology)

EBRD: 2012-2013

■ Senior Industrial Adviser - European Bank for Reconstruction and

Development dairy project Macedonia & Albania

Various assignment: 1997-

■ Member of Court of Arbitration (Dairy Industry) - Danak: Special advisory

expert (Dairy Technology) - Lecture “Transport of milk from farm to milk

plant” - Milk Plant project - Various other assignment



JP Consult Industrial Dairy Consultancy, Vester Boulevard 5, DK 8920 Randers NV, Denmark

Phone: +45 8642 0277 - Mobile: +45 4051 1424 - Mail: